2023 Thanksgiving traditions
Hello !
da Greg_bskt09
16 problemi
1. What animal does Joe Biden who is the current president of the USA pardon in front of the White House at Thanksgiving ?
a He pardons a pig.
b He pardons a buffalo.
c He pardons a turkey.
d He pardons a penguin.
2. How many turkeys are eaten every year at Thanksgiving ?
a 200 millions turkeys are eaten each year.
b 2000 millions turkeys are eaten each year.
c 111 millions turkeys are eaten each year.
d 456 millions turkeys are eaten each year.
3. Who pardons two turkeys for Thanksgiving ?
a It's the current president of the USA.
b It's Kylian Mbappé.
c It's Peter Parker.
d Donald Trompe
4. When was Thanksgiving celebrated in America in 2023 ?
a Thanksgiving was celebrated the 13rd November.
b Thanksgiving was celebrated the 23rd November.
c Thanksgiving is celebrated the 31st December.
d Thanksgiving was celebrated Yesterday.
5. Which teams can the Americans watch play each year ?
a The Americans can see the Philadelphia Eagles and the Buffalo Bills.
b The Americans can see the Dallas Cowboys and the Detroit Lions.
c The Americans can see the New England Patriots and the Cleveland Browns.
d The Americans can see the Houston Texans and the Los Angeles Chargers.
6. Why do Americans lose their minds Black Friday ?
a They lose their minds because there are lower prices.
b They lose their minds because there are more expensive prices
c They lose their minds because they lost in World Cup qualifying.
d They lose their minds because there are no football match in 2024.
7. When is black Friday ?
a Black Friday takes place on february.
b Black Friday takes place on the Friday after Thanksgiving Thursday.
c Black Friday takes place on the first monday of december.
d Black Friday takes place on the 31st january.
8. What's on the menu for Thanksgiving ?
a They eat fish with rice and coca cola.
b They eat pork with chips, milk, mayonnaise, and hot chocolate.
c They eat a big meal with with cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, vegetable sides, gravy, stuffing and for dessert the traditionnal apple or pumpkin pie.
d They eat a big macdo with poo sauce, sweet sausage or mashed potatoes, no vegetable, gravy, stuffing and for dessert the traditionnal chocolate pie
9. Why do Americans take a day off on black Friaday ?
a They take a day off to play Fortnite.
b They take a day off to go to the kebab.
c They take a day off to have a long weekend.
d They take a day off to make pancakes.
10. What's the name of the two turkeys in 2023 ?
a The name of the two turkeys areTic and Tac
b The name of the two turkeys are baka and swetty
c The name of the two turkeys are ching and chong
d The name of the two turkeys are Liberty and Bell.
11. Which sport is associated with Thanksgiving ?
a It's the Hockey.
b It's the soccer.
c It's the american football.
d It's the Golf
12. Who organizes the parade in NYC ?
a It's by Disney Studios.
b It's by Macy's.
c It's by Pessi.
d It's by Talmo.
13. To whom do the associations deliver Thanksgiving meals ?
a It's for the high-level athletes.
b It's for the animals of rich families.
c It's for the People who have glasses.
d It's for the old, the poor, the homeless, the more vulnerable ones.
14. Where are the Americans going to an interfaith service to organise fundraising and charity ?
a They go to the restaurant.
b They go to the Spa.
c They go to the Church.
d They go to the coffee.
15. How are turkeys treated ?
a They are treated like turkeys.
b They are treated like a superstar.
c They are treated like humans.
d They are treated like a student.
16. What does mean Black Friday ?
a Black Friday mean that it's the National Kangaroo Day.
b Black Friday mean that It's the day when you take as many pictures as possible with our family and our friends.
c Black Friday is the day when all Americans should turn south, lie on the ground, and sing a Christmas song with all their might.
d Black Friday is the day when there are a lot of traffic jams and stores make a lot of money and write their numbers in black.