Anglais : 3D - The history of the European Union

34 giocatori
  1. Which country is NOT one of the six founding states of the European Union ?
    • Germany
    • Luxembourg
    • Belgium
    • Spain
  2. The birth certificate of the European Community in 1957 is called ?
    • The Treaty of Rome
    • The Treaty of Bruxelles
    • The Treaty of Maastricht
    • The Treaty of Versaille
  3. Which of these conditions is NOT necessary to join the European Union ?
    • Respecting Human Rights
    • Abandon the nuclear weapon
    • Having a democratic regime
    • Having a capitalist free-trade economy
  4. Former communist country does not return to U.E. on 1 January 2004 ?
    • Ukrain
    • Estonia
    • Latvia
    • Lithuania
  5. What year was created European Union ?
    • 1930
    • 1935
    • 1931
    • 1933
What is the history of theEuropean Union ?
  • Creato 18/05/2017
  • Pubblicato 19/05/2017
  • Modificato 19/05/2017
  • Difficoltà Difficile
  • Domande 5
  • Tema Storia

Puoi scegliere tra 3 tipi di design:

  • arancione
  • blu
  • Light
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