World War I
20 questions about the First World War :).
da anglais-e
20 problemi
1. When was the archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated?
a The 2nd of June 1914
b The 28th of June 1914
c The 1st of July 1914
2. Which country sent an ultimatum note?
a Austria
b France
c Serbia
3. Which country was the recipient of this ultimatum note?
a Russia
b Poland
c Serbia
4. Which countries were declared neutral when the war broke out?
a Greece – Norway – Russia – Bulgaria
b Denmark – Sweden – Holland – Belgium
c Greece – Sweden – Bulgaria – Hungary
5. Following the propaganda, what was the main reason for the Irishmen to enlist?
a To prove that they could be a strong independent country
b To defend the Celtic Church
c To avenge the Lusitania
6. Which countries were members of the Central Powers in 1914?
a France – Turkey –Austria – Italy
b German Empire – Italy – Turkey
c Serbia – German Empire – Italy – Russia
7. Who was the prime minister of the United Kingdom in 1914?
a David Lloyd George
b Herbert Henry Asquith
c Andrew Bonar Law
8. How many steps where there during the First World War?
a 4 – Trench warfare in 1914, then maneuver warfare in 1915, then trench warfare in 1916 and new maneuver warfare in 1917
b 2 - Maneuver warfare in 1914, then trench warfare between 1915 and 1918
c 3 - Maneuver warfare in 1914, then trench warfare in 1915 and maneuver warfare.
9. What was the name of the German war plan in 1914?
a The Blitzkrieg plan
b The Bismarck plan
c The Schlieffen plan
10. Where did the German army use gas for the first time?
a Ypres
b Verdun
c Gallipoli
11. How many German soldiers died during the battle of Verdun in 1916?
a 75 000
b 127 000
c 143 000
12. When did the United States come into the conflict?
a In February 1917
b In March 1917
c In April 1917
13. Which country has lost the highest number of soldiers during the Second battle of Marne?
a France
b German Empire
c United Kingdom
14. What was the name of the emperor who abdicates in Germany in 1918?
a Wilhem II
b Nicolas II
c Lewis II
15. Which were the four countries represented during the assembly of four for the "Paris Peace Conference"?
a France, USA, UK and Italy
b France, Russia, UK and USA
c USA, UK, Poland and France
16. Which one was present during the assembly of four for the "Paris Peace Conference"?
a David Lloyd Wilson
b Vittorio Emanuele Orlando
c Woodrow Clemenceau
17. For which country was signed the Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye?
a Turkey
b Romania
c Austria
18. Which one was a part of "The fourteen points" by Wilson?
a The limitation of minorities in Turkey in order to placate the numerous riots
b The annexation of Poland by different frontier countries as Russia and Finland
c The readjustment of Italian boundaries along lines of nationality
19. Who became the leader of the Bolshevik government in 1917?
a Lénine
b Trotski
c Staline
20. What is the name of the first president of the Weimar Republic in 1918?
a Paul von Hindenburg
b Friedrich Ebert
c Max von Baden