Dans als je lul klein is
da Roan
11 problemi
1. What is the biggest former-Yugoslavian state ?
a Bosnia
b Serbia
c Kosovo
d Fyrom
2. What is the biggest post-Soviet state except Russia ?
a Ukraine
b Kazachstan
c Georgia
d Australia
3. What is the biggest double-landlocked country ?
a Switzerland
b Uzbekistan
c Lichtenstein🤓
d France
4. What is the smallest double-landlocked country ?
a Luxembourgh
b Liechtenstein🤓
c Vatican-City
d Burma
5. What country owns the big city of Ashgabat ?
a Pakistan
b Turkmenistan
c Gabon
d Iran
6. What country has more guns than people ?
a Yemen
b United States of America
c Kosovo
d Yo mama
7. What country owns the coldest city in the world: Oymyakons ?
a Argentina
b Norway
c Russia
d Finland
8. What country owned in 1206 more than 33km² of land ?
a Chile
b Sri Lanka
c Cambodia
d Mongolia
9. What country played in 1939 it's last anthem for a long time ?
a Chechia
b Ukraine
c Poland
d Germany
10. In what country own 62% of the population guns but no incidents since 2019 ?
a Faroe Islands
b Switzerland
c Kazachstan
d Ireland
11. What country owns the capital of Europe ?
a Poland - Warsaw
b Belgium - Brussels
c Netherlands - Amsterdam
d Germany - Dusseldorf